Thursday, July 21, 2011

Contribution - You got your white "Texas Rednose" from who?


Hey there,

I just purchased a 10 month old white Texas red nose pitbull. I was told she was really good with other dogs and she hates mine. I called the seller back who told me he wanted her back because otherwise I would have to put her in to be uthanized. They told me they wanted her back!! She now won't call me back and I am continuing to try!!!

Please e mail today and let me know if you could take her!!

[Standard reply]

I bought him for 300 from a *gentleman* who just moved here.. I paid him on Friday and THEY!! called the SPCA on me and had my dog taken by yesterday.. She has been euthanized!! The guy I bought her from has to others, and no they are not fixed. I do have his number and his address as we picked the dog up. I have every intention of having his dogs taken from him. Yes, she was up to date for shots and did very well will ALL other dogs, cats and children. She was just a huge baby!! In 2 days she was amazing, she slept on my bed and let the 5 year old children from next door wrestle with her!! She was an amazing dog. I am located in Innisfil Ontario. 
Thank you for offering you're help but my baby girl is gone!! I just hope that one day soon we can have them again. They are simply misunderstood! 
I had 7 before the ban happened and they were all euthanized because of the age of them. My male and female were both 2 1/2 at the time and were not spayed/neutered. I refused to have it done because my dogs are registered as Argentina Dogo's with all of their paperwork and vet... I also refused to have the registering done with the city because I know that when I do, I give them a third party right which would allow them to be able to take any of my dogs upon their convenience.. The other 5 were the last of their 9 puppy litter! When they came to view them, they were playing to quote "Too rough to test it" and so all 7 were killed because someone felt the need to hate my babies!!
Thanks again, however if you ever have an older Pitt come to you in surrender please keep me updated if their within the legislation in Ontario. I would love to take one in who is allowed to be re-homed!! 
Thank you again,

Hello XXX ??? Not even sure if that's your name since there is no indication of your name in your email.
Your emails are very confusing so please correct me if I am misunderstanding something.  From your below email it would appear as though you reside in Ontario where there has been a ban on pit bull "type" dogs for the last 5 years, which you have also been aware of.  You purchased an illegal 10 month old pit bull, from some guy who has other illegal pitbulls and whom obviously does not care about the well being of his dogs since he:
1. did not screen your home and ensure that all animals would get along ( you sent us a separate email saying that this dog did not get along with your dogs... but now you are saying she did... so who knows what to believe)
2. sold you an illegal dog in Ontario.
3. has illegal dogs himself,
4. sold his dog as a "white texas red-nose" which is NOT A BREED. It is a white pit bull with a red nose. 
And now you are surprised that your dog was seized and euthanized??? 
And you have also had SEVEN dogs previously, all whom you chose to keep as illegal, risking their lives due to unwillingness to follow a simple law (spay/neuter) and license them (which ALL ANIMALS must be licensed - not just pit bulls) therefore due to your negligence all of these seven dogs were also seized and euthanized.
Eight dogs were killed because you chose not to follow the law.  Not because of animal control who enforced the law.
And you want us to keep you in mind to adopt one of our dogs???  The dogs that we work tirelessly to rescue from shelters because of owners like yourself who blatantly disregard the law.....?????

I have a large house, which would allow for me to be able to keep her.. I had taken her because he MOVED here from Fredrickton. He had been asked to find the dog a home, so I bought her as money isn't an issue with me. I have an ex boyfriend who was going to take her to Calgary with her next week which would therefore mean I was saving her. At first, she didn't like my dogs and than after a while of moving them into different rooms where my dogs had been and rotating them they were okay as they had time to register that all other dogs lived here. Originally, they told me if I could find a home for her in a week ad a half's time then they would leave it alone as when they showed up to question me on the mater she ran, jumped on and licked the two men at my door. Considering I had just paid for the dog and was then going to have to pay to have her shipped with him I don't see it as my fault. I see it as the fault of several people who have issues with an innocent breed. She was up to date on all shots and was scheduled to be spayed by my vet tomorrow *Tuesday the 31st* and she would be completely legal minus the age dispute. I am sorry I was confusing, and I am really sorry you have to be such an ignorant bitch to me.
The people I purchased her from did not have access to the funds necessary to send her back home and therefore I stepped in. My ex has FOUR female Pit Bulls all within the legal age ban shit that is in place. And by the way 
1) He did screen me, when he met with my dogs WITH HIS DOG, they were fine. When he left, I assume she got upset and reacted poorly to my dogs being there without her previous owner. 
2) I don't care that she was illegal. She was a gorgeous dog with an amazing personality, and I was able to expand her life by 3 days. If that doesn't mean something, I don't think I know what does anymore.
3) He relocated here without having proper knowledge of the ban and going on hear say. I am well acquainted with the fucking ban in place. 
4) I don't give two flying shits if it is an actual breed. She was a white Pit Bull, black nose with blue eyes. Her papers state she is a Texas Red-Nose Pitbull! 
5) Just for you're information, I did not call the SPCA on him. Just because "my" dog had to be taken doesn't mean I want other's to be taken as well. I sure as hell thought about it but in the end, I blew off steam and cried and grieved for a while. 
6) If you re read my e mail, you will see that my dogs were LEGAL because of the ban. Because they had puppies who were a month old, they seized them. Don't you dare downsize me because my bitch was pregnant LONG before the stupid fucking ban came into place. I refuse to have ANY of my dogs registered because I am fully aware that when I do, I sign over a third party right which therefore allows for the City to take my dogs at THEIR DISPOSAL! My dogs were registered as Dogo's as I clearly stated before hand. Therefore, they disregarded legal paper work and went on appearance of my dogs. They, were registered with the City and that allowed them to act on their "better judgement". 
I understand they were doing their jobs, however why don't you try to do yours and not be judge-mental of my situation and the situation of thousands of others. Each and every day, hundreds of people are put into the situation of choosing their dog over their house, or keeping their dogs only to have it seized by courts and face thousands in fines. 
Disregard the law my fucking ass. I love my fucking dogs so watch what you're saying! 
Don't bother replying as I will simply disregard you're e mail as I have disregarded the law! It will be a waste of time on you're behalf to even bother replying to me!!
Thanks again for nothing but judging me.

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